Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International
Established 1952
About Us
By God's grace, we connect people with opportunities to reach out and help others find a better life and work together to build better communities.
1. To reach men in all nations for Jesus Christ.
2. To call men back to God.
3. To help believers to be baptized in The Holy Spirit and to grow spiritually.
4. To train and equip men to fulfill the Great Commission.
5. To provide an opportunity for Christian fellowship.
6. To bring unity among all people in the body of Christ.
Our Vision & Values​
We see business people on every continent working together to transform their communities, cities, and nations.
7 Core Values
Love - sacrificing for the good of others...
Integrity - choosing to do the right thing...
Relationship - value people above all other things...
Commitment - no obstacle is too great, never give up...
Networking - opportunities are born by reaching out to others...
Training - equipped for every good work...
Transforming - making this world a better place by God's power...
"What answers does the church have for men - women too - facing the really horrendous complexities of modern business? People with tremendous responsibilities, where hundreds of jobs depend on the decisions they make. I've had men like that come to me, Demos, and frankly I couldn't even understand their questions. What do I know about labor contracts and price freezes? I've had no experience in business. "
"Sure, we clergy can give comfort and counsel to a man who's down and out, but what about the man who makes it? He needs God just as much, and ministers like me don't even know the language."
- Dr. Charles Price, Evangelist
(from The Happiest People on Earth by Demos Shakarian)
"Just think how many more businessmen there are in the world than preachers. If businessmen should ever start to spread the gospel..."
- Demos Shakarian, Founder of FGBMFI
is an organization where...
Full Gospel -
means no subject has to be avoided, whatever a person's experience - salvation, healing, deliverance - it can be shared, just as it happened; and
Business Men -
are laymen, ordinary people from all walks of life; and
Fellowship -
is what it feels like - A bunch of people who get together to share their love for Jesus; and where
International -
means the whole world, all races, ages, backgrounds, and denominations.
We believe in one God, Maker of all things and being in the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe that the Son of God, Jesus Christ, became incarnate, was begotten by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and is true God and true man.
We believe the Bible, in its entirety, to be the inspired Word of God and the only infallible rule of faith and conduct.
We believe in the resurrection of the dead, the eternal happiness of the saved, and the eternal punishment of the lost.
We believe in personal salvation of believers through the shed blood of Christ.
We believe in sanctification by the blood of Christ, in personal holiness of heart and life, and in separation from the world.
We believe in divine healing, through faith, and that healing is included in the Atonement.
We believe in the baptism in the Holy Ghost, accompanied by the initial physical sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit of God gives utterance, (Acts 2:4) as distinct from the new birth, and in the nine gifts of the Spirit, listed in 1 Corinthians 12, as now available to believers.
We believe in the Christian's hope - the imminent, personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
​We believe in intensive world-evangelism and missionary work in accordance with the Great Commission, with signs following.
Our International President
Mr. Mario Garcia Olvera
On February 10, 2018 in a solemn meeting of the International Directors, held in the city of Houston, USA; Mr. Mario García Olvera was elected by a majority vote as the new International President of FGBMFI. On July 14, 2021, he was re-elected by the International Directors for another 3-year term as International President.
We are sure that Mr. Garcia, with the help of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, will be able to carry out the reconstruction and rebirth of our worldwide organization for these final times.
Mario is a man dedicated to agricultural business, he is married and has 3 children, who reside in the city of Monterrey, Mexico. He has been an active member since 1993 and has held different positions in his country, currently he is also the National President of FGBMFI Mexico, according to the International Bylaws.
Mario was named by Dr. Richard Shakarian as Regional VP for Latin America and in recent years he focused on the unity and growth of South America.
He was a close adviser to Dr. Richard Shakarian, involved in projects worldwide and visiting different continents, carrying forward the vision and purposes of our organization. He is known as a simple and humble man and in all the regions where he shared, seeds were left sown with Love, Unity and Respect.
Let us ask God for his life, for his leadership, so that he may receive wisdom from above and carry out the work for which he has been called in these special times at the head of this great global organization.
Our Leadership
Mr. Humberto Arguello
Our Leadership & Staff
International Executive Vice President
Mr. Bruno Berthon
Bruno has been an active member of FGBMFI since the day of November 1976 when he was baptized in the Holy Spirit during a meeting of the Paris chapter, the only one in France then. He became a young National President in 1983, renewed until 2004.
During these years France could initiate the work in many French speaking Africa nations, and was also much involved in the European developments, with outreaches to new nations, particularly in Eastern Europe. He remembers the big European convention that took place in France in 1986 where Demos and Rose were present for what would be their last visit to Europe, or the huge European gathering in 1997 in Paris’ largest indoor stadium, with Christians from all nations and denominations, sharing together, in the unity of the Body of Christ, the good news of lives transformed by Christ.
Bruno was International Vice President for Europe from 1994 to 2003, then he was appointed by Richard Shakarian as his Special Regent for French speaking Africa. He remembers visiting these nations together with the Nicaraguan brothers in order to launch the new fire team’s developments. Bruno has been elected by the European National Presidents as the Regional Vice President of Western Europe in 2019, and he has recently been renewed in this position for another 2 years.
Bruno is a living memory of much of our Fellowship history, with its successes and also its failures. As a European he has experienced how lack of unity can harm and even destroy the work. That is why in the IDs’ meetings under Richard's presidency Bruno would steadily intervene to press our International body to take steps towards unity and reconciliation.
Professionally Bruno was working in the international field of energy. He is married with Chantal, and they have six children.
International Secretary
Mr. Doug Woolley
United States
Doug Woolley works for JPMorgan Chase & Co. as a Software Engineer, as of early 2019. Prior to that, Doug worked for Verizon for many years as a Systems Engineer, most recently as a Web Developer in the field of Cloud Computing and has attained three prestigious certifications in Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Doug earned four university degrees in the areas of Computer Science, Web Development, Interdisciplinary Studies (with concentration in Theology), and a Master's in Theology. Doug authored several computer books and recently authored a Christian book dealing with the theology of work, titled The Value of Work in the Eyes of God, with versions in English, Spanish, and French.
As a senior in high school, Doug placed among the top in the USA in mathematics, computer programming, and science.
Doug has served in various leadership positions in FGBMFI since 1991, such as Vice President of the Tampa chapter, Florida Treasurer and Field Representative, International Director at Large, USA National Director, Webmaster for www.fgbmfi.org and regional sites, USA Southeast Regional Director, International Director, and International Secretary (since 2018).
Doug lives in Tampa, Florida, USA, with his wife Marsha and poodle Napoleon.
International Treasurer
Mr. Francis Owusu
Francis Owusu is a product of the London School of Economics, UK and a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants(CIMA) UK.
He is an Executive Director of the Fiesta Hotels & Residences, a family owned hospitality group based in Ghana with affiliates in South Africa.
Francis has been a member of the Fellowship in Ghana for over 20 years and served on the National Executive Committee for several years.
Francis has been involved in several fundraising activities of the Fellowship in Ghana and served as the Chairman of the Ghana Airlifts Committee.
Francis was appointed as an International Director at Large in the year 2010.
In 2018 he was appointed the International Treasurer of the Fellowship.
He is married with children.
Global Advisory Council Member
Mr. Danny Mawuenyega
Danny Easmon Mawuenyega is a Farmer/Businessman. He is the CEO of Dakoma Ventures Ltd. & Group Chairman of Kenaf Industries Ltd.
He has been a member of the Fellowship over two decades. He is married to Barbara, they are blessed with 3 children.
Danny has served in various capacities in the Fellowship, among which are: International Secretary FGBMFI, International Director at Large, Special Ambassador to the Nations. He also served as a Special Assistant to our Late President Richard Shakarian.
He has excellent interpersonal relationship and exudes confidence and passionate about the things of God. Among his strengths are natural diplomacy, strong negotiating skills and the ability to manage difficult situations with a smile He loves the Lord and has the heart of a servant.
Global Advisory Council Member
Mr. Benjamin Toledo
Benjamin has degrees in Economics and Finance. His business experience is in Agro-Based Industries and Real Estate.
He has been a member of FGBMFI since 1990, serving during this time in various positions in Honduras, as Chapter President, on the National Board as Treasurer, Secretary and Vice President, and as International Director.
He lives in Honduras with his wife Karla and their 5 daughters.
Special Ambassador for World Projects
Mr. Adrian Kristanto
Mr. Ardian Kristanto is the Chairman of IKA Group, a holding company consisting of several companies working in property, chemicals, construction materials, manufacturing and trading. He loves and serves the Lord passionately, especially in the marketplace through Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship International (FGBMFI).
He has served as the National President of FGBMFI Indonesia and as the International Executive Vice President (2018 - 2021). He currently serves as an International Director for FGBMFI globally (for Indonesia) and as Special Ambassador for World Projects. He is married to a servant of God, Pastor Hanna Kristanto, and blessed with 3 children, 2 children-in-law and 2 grandchildren. He is a member of IFGF Church.
Int'l. Director at Large,
Director of the School of the Vision
Mr. John Carrette
United States
Johnny Carrette is our International Director at Large for training in the Vision given by God to FGBMFI.
He has been a member of the Fellowship for 40 years and together with his wife Charlotte, he was trained by our Founding President, Demos Shakarian, to be a helper to our chapters in the nations.
Johnny will be an Ambassador of the Vision in all the nations of the world.
Chairman of Int'l. Conventions &
Special Assistant to the Int'l. President
Mr. Gerardo Rivera
Gerardo Rivera has a degree in Business Administration from the National Autonomous University of Honduras and a Master's in Business from the Catholic University of Honduras. He has studied in administrative, financial, leadership, insurance and reinsurance issues in Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, the United States and Spain.
The last 12 years he has been General Manager of Seguros del País, S.A. Insurance Company, a member of Corporación BI, the largest Private Financial Group in Central America.
Gerardo Rivera has been President of the International Junior Chamber of Tegucigalpa, President of the Honduran Chamber of Insurers, which brings together all the Insurance Companies that operate in Honduras, and Vice President for Central America, Panama and the Caribbean of the Inter-American Federation of Insurance Companies (FIDES) organization that brings together all associations of insurance companies in the countries of America and Spain.
He has been married to Lorena de Rivera for 34 years and they have 4 wonderful children.
He is a member of the Full Gospel Business Men´s Fellowship International since 1996 (22 years) where he has served as Secretary, Treasurer and Chapter President, Field Representative, Regional Director, Zonal Director and other positions.
He is an International Director of the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International in Honduras.
He has coordinated Encuentro Zonales, National Conventions, a Latin American Summit of Leaders and the World Conventions of Honduras in 2017 and Las Vegas in 2018.
Int'l. Director at Large,
Special Developments Director
Mr. Gratien De Souza
Gratien De Souza has been a member of FGBMFI since 1989, now as an Ambassador for the fellowship. He is a successful businessman. Gratien is the C.E.O of Alfaco Ltd., a company which deals in Aluminum profiles and industrial glass for construction. He has businesses in Togo, Ghana, Mali, and China. He is passionate about soul winning.
He is an active member in France and Togo, and opened chapters in China. He served under Richard Shakarian's leadership as a special Ambassador assigned to conventions and chapters.
He is the author of the book, God's Plan, a testimony of transformation in his own life.
Gratien is married to Florentine and they are blessed with 5 beautiful daughters. He is well traveled and carries the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever he goes. Many know Gratien for his popular cliché "Jesus loves you.‘’
International Vice Treasurer (special apt.)
Mr. Alberto Pereira
Engineer Alberto Pereira is an Agronomist and a Lawyer. He has been an active member of FGBMFI Nicaragua over the past 24 years. He is married, and he is currently a successful businessman in several branches of business, mainly in the car sales. His first chapter was the Country Club of which he now is the President. He has occupied different responsibilities with vitality and achievement in the area of finance.
In 2014 he held the position of National Treasurer of FGBMFI Nicaragua and was also appointed International Director. He faithfully supported the leadership of Dr. Richard Shakarian in different parts of Latin America, and he loves with passion his gift of motivating people to get to know God through this wonderful Vision.
He has visited different nations such as Nigeria, Congo, Israel, Indonesia, Russia, Spain, Italy and all Latin America. His commitment to this organization is remarkable and he continues, to this day, motivating people to be part of this organization and, together with his family, he has been actively working on all the projects in which he has been invited.
International Director at Large
Mr. Gideon Esurua
Int'l. Director at Large, Specializing in Int'l. Relations & Protocols
Mr. John Kennedy Opara
Gideon gave his life to Christ in the trunk of his car after being abducted by armed robbers. After receiving Christ, his life and family completely changed.
Gideon is personally active and diligent in bringing others to Christ. He has traveled to 44 nations and in his travels, he has been involved in opening new chapters and encouraging business men to move forward in the
Dr. Richard Shakarian in the excerpts of his book “Still The Happiest People” page 200 had this to say about Gideon: “He has a heart filled with compassion for others, is steadfast and never wavers under pressure. He has total confidence in the Lord”.
Gideon is a geologist, serial entrepreneur and tech investor. His current businesses are in Oil & Gas, Mobile Tech, FinTech and Payments.
He has served as an International Director for a decade and as International Treasurer for slightly over six years. As International Director at Large, he will carry out some special duties for the International President and the International Board.
Gideon is married to Kate and blessed with a daughter, Jael.
John Kennedy Opara, PhD., OFR, JP graduated from the University of Calabar, Nigeria and earned a Master’s degree from University of Jos Nigeria and later proceeded to the same university to obtain his PhD in Applied Microbiology.
He went to Harvard University and Stanford University, USA to obtain post graduate certificates in Leadership. He studied also at the prestigious Oxford University obtained a postgraduate diploma in Leadership. He also did some management program work with Columbia University, New York USA and Cambridge University London United Kingdom. He is well read and has traveled widely.
He had served under four successive presidents in Nigeria, where he occupied different positions as Special Assistant on Religious Matters. He was appointed the Pioneer Executive Secretary of Nigerian Christian Pilgrim Commission (Presidency) from 2008-2016, when he left office.
He was honored by the USA Parliament in conjunction with the African Leadership Magazine as the best Public Servant in Africa in 2013. He remains the only public servant to take a seated Nigerian President to Israel. He initiated the youth and family pilgrimage.
In 2014 the federal government of Nigeria honored him with a National Honor: Order of the Federal Republic (OFR) in appreciation for his numerous achievements.
Today he is the chairman/CEO of CSS Group of Companies majoring in Agriculture, construction, food processing and packaging, Aviation and Renewable energy.
In FGBMFI he has held several positions from the president, to International Director @ Large. He led the first FGBMFI airlift from Abuja to Gambia, Senegal, Burundi, and Sweden among other countries.
He loves and serves the Lord passionately especially in schools, marketplace or events through the fellowship. He is currently an International Director at Large of the fellowship. He is married to Mrs. Amaka Opara and has two lovely daughters: Esther and Deborah.
Raul D'Angelo
David Odushina
Burkina Faso
Formouzèrè Adama Zala
Costa Rica
Dem. Rep. Congo
Ricardo Oreamuno
Jaime Sol
Pierre Fwelo
Macaire Gulefua Nguezia
Papy Pierre Bolia Ebuto
Luis Daniel Pino Diaz
El Salvador
Luis Francisco Travez Buenano
Ricardo A. Reyes Palomo
Miguel Cubias
Salvador Salazar
George Edwin
Wexford O. Amoah
Francis Owusu
George Prah
Emmanuel Baba Mahama
Frank Achampong
Bruno Berthon
Adonay Aguirre
Cesar Armas
Gerardo Townson
Alejandro Ayerdi
Rafael Cuestas
Eduardo Beltran
Luis Navichoque
Jose Ramon Aguilera Mejia
Gerardo Alfredo Rivera Munoz
Jose Oswaldo Oliva Guerra
Mario Sanchez
Jose Adrian Franco
Javier Pena
Joaquin Antonio Salgado Ochoa
Jesus Alexis Sagastume
Juan Carlos Martinez Quezada
Len Widjaja
Soebarkat Pranoto
Dalie Sutanto
Tomy Lim
Agus Surjanto
Ardian Kristanto
Anthony Putihrai
Rudiyanto Jap
Jinhard Kouwagam
Ivory Coast
Lucien Ahua Koffi Bredou
Hoong Heng Fong
Alberto Domingo
Juan Tijerino
Luis Amado Cruz
Oscar Bello
Norman Velez
Adrian Calero
Gerardo Vado
Reynaldo Alvarado
Julio Peinado
Manuel Pena
Luis Lerma Alvarado
Efren Aguinaga Rodriguez
Oscar Guadalupe Marquez Cepeda
Netzahualcoyotl Hernandez
Reynaldo Derecho
(Countries with their own website are linked to the countries name. Click the country name to be redirected)
First/Last name
Simone Canazza
Kadio N'Goran
Carl Sweeney
Katsumi Yasuda
Arthur W. B. Fumbah
Hernivela Rakotoarivelo
Laban Banda
Hoong Heng Fong
Joseph Zammit (Acting)
Efren Aguinaga Rodriguez
Sanyika Munya
(Nat. Coor) Nelson Phyo
(Nat. Coor) Robin Hartman
Juan Manuel Pena
(Nat. Coor.)
(Nat. Coor.) Boneza Rumvegeri
Jefferson Tasleem Ghauri
Albeto Domingo
(Interim) Adan Gustavo Sanchez
Cesar Ocampo
Robert Lee
Luis Enrique Pagan
Andrey Zlobin
Jean Bosco Rutayisire
Moussa Sadia
Kalia E. Sesay
James Mpele
Javier Arruga Serrano
George Edwin
Johan Eklof
(Nat. Coor) Luc Mayor
Sheppy K. Kounetsron
Trevor Joseph
Robert Rutaagi
Igor Soloviov
Lynn Heritage
Mike Postlewait
Gabriel Effa
Wilson Bustos
Vu Xuan Quang
Peter Lintini
Ivory Coast
Puerto Rico
Sierra Leone
South Africa
United Kingdom
Burkina Faso
Cayman Islands
Central African Rep.
Costa Rica
Dem. Rep. Congo
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Fiji Islands
First/Last Name
Leopoldo Mayembe
Rene Nuñez
Daniel Wright
Dr. Wolfgang Hoffmann
Willard Mereigh
(Acting) Bart DeWolf
Jorge Meliton Auil
Alain Gbaguidi
Ronald Garciar
Paul Peter
Eduardo Banchero
(Nat. Coor.) Stefan Ivanov
Formouzèrè Adama Zala
Thaddee Niragira
Claude Mpouli
Harold Paramlal
Agou Augustin
(Acting) Gilbert Mbaiondoum
Luis Daniel Pino Diaz
Diego Andres Quimbayo
Reich Roberto
Ricardo Oreamuno
Angel Marto
Macaire Gulefua
Manuel Suazo
Enrique Espinosa
Salvador Salazar
Uraia Rasake
Martti Issakainen
Philippe Roser
Hobaha Coulibaly
Said Usuf
Roland Benz
Emmanuel Mahama
(Acting) Lennox John
Jose A. Aguirre Quinonez
Shawn Gurcharran
Aubens Fermine
Mario Sanchez
Robert Almadi
Dalie Sutanto
FGBMFI has a presence in other nations, but the above are the countries with National Presidents/Coordinators.
International Coordinator Ladies of the Fellowship
Mrs. Silvia Marquez de Garcia
Silvia is a bank executive, writer and active member of FGBMFI for 23 years.
She has been the National Coordinator Ladies of the Fellowship in Mexico for more than 17 years.
International Speaker on various topics of Leadership for Women, Family Growth and Principles and Values.
She has extensive experience in the development of the Vision, sharing in conferences in companies, hospitals, universities and government entities; for which she was guest of honor to the Presidency of the Republic of Mexico in 2012.
She has visited several countries such as USA, Central and South America, English Guyana, Armenia and Australia; always supporting the growth of the Ladies movement of the FGBMFI.
In 2014, she wrote the book "The Joy of Suffering."
Silvia is married, has 3 children and has always supported the leadership of her husband, Eng. Mario García Olvera.
Operations Manager
Mrs. Becky Dyson
United States
Rebecca Dyson "Becky," began working with FGBMFI-HQ in April 2008 as a "part-time" receptionist.
With her Finacial Services, Bookkeeping, Escrow, and Title Insurance background, she became the full-time Receptionist, Bookkeeper, and Administrative Assistant to the Director of Operations in May 2008.
She has served as the Operations Manager since May 2018.
Director of Int'l. Social Media & Marketing
Mr. Christian Rodriguez
United States
Christian Rodriguez studied psychology at The Citadel: Military College of South Carolina. He also studied ministry at Charis Bible College and served in the US Army Reserves.
He is currently the Chief Operations Officer and second in charge (2ic) of a pharmaceutical, lab, and packaging company, responsible for over 300 employees across various projects and industries. He also serves as a First Lieutenant in the US Air Force Auxiliary as a Character Development Instructor.
Christian currently serves as the Director of Social Media and Marketing for FGBMFI-International and is the webmaster for fgbmfi.org. He has been the Midwest Region Director and a Chapter President for FGBMFI-USA.
Alf Liljehall
Nestor D'Almeida
Adan Gustavo Sanchez Benegas
United States
Paul Lai
Michael Postlewait
George Segersbol
Douglas Woolley
Robert Rutaagi
Directors(AT LARGE)
Dem. Rep. Congo
Guatemala Honduras
United States
First/Last Name
Ebuto Bolia / Ilunga Konya Clement / Kambale Mulimbwe Donat / Eric Diakumukwa / Edouard Booto
Danny Mawuenyega
Pablo Gomez
Benjamin Toledo / Leonidas Mejia / Jorge Siryi / Mario Rene Palmo
Kenneth E Kristanto / Christian Lau
Johnny Woo Koi Tiang
Alberto Pereira / Cornelio Porras
Gideon Esurua / John Kennedy Opara Gratien DeSouza
Neil Nelles / Jose Sikaffy / John Carrette
National presidents designated as international
Directors(AT LARGE)
Cayman Islands
Central Africa Rep.
Congo (Braziville)
Fiji Islands
Sierra Leone
United Kingdom
Trinidad & Tobago
First/Last Name
Leopoldo Mayembe
Daniel Wright
Wolfgang Hoffmann
Willard Mereigh
Bart De Wolf
Jorge Meiton Auil
Paul Ogbole Peter
Eduardo Ignomiri Banchero
Stefan Ivanov
Thade Niragira
Harold Paramlal
Agou Augustin
Diego Andres Quimbayo
Patrice Makosso
Uraia Rasake
Martti Issakainen
Hobaha Coulibaly
Said Usuf
Roland Benz
Shawn Gurcharran
Robert Almadi
Simone Canazza
Carl Sweeney
Katsumi Yasuda
Arthur Fumbah
Nelson Phyo
Robin Hartman
Boneza Rumvegeri
Jefferson Tasleem Ghauri
Jean Bosco Ratayisire Minyura
Kalia Sesay
Javier Arruga Serrano
Luc Mayor
Lynn Heritage
Gabriel Effa
Trevor Joseph
Vu Xuan Quang
Peter Lintini
vice presidents
RVP - French West Africa
RVP - Central Africa
RVP - East Africa
RVP - Southern Africa
RVP - Asia Pacific
RVP - Central America, Panama, Mexico and (Latin) Caribbean
RVP - Northern South America
RVP - Southern South America
RVP - Western Europe
RVP - Eastern Europe
RVP - Caribbean
RVP - Anglophone West Africa
& Cape Verde
RVP -Russia & Some Surrounding Nations
First/Last Name
Lucien Ahua
Pierre Fwelo
Eghosa Ogedegbe
George Prah
Anthony Putihrai
Jose Ramon Aguilera Mejia
Jorge Hernandez
Raul D'Angelo
Bruno Berthon
Trevor Joseph
Willie Orhin
Andrey Zlobin
Asian Leaders
African Leaders
Latin Leaders
European Leaders
youth coordinators
International Youth Coordinator - Asia
International Youth Coordinator - Latin America
International Youth Coordinator - Africa
First/Last Name
Kenneth E. Kristanto
Jose Ramon Aguilera
Charles Mawuenyega